Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It takes two where it used to only take one...

There's a Boy in the Girls' BathroomImage via WikipediaWe started on this location with the plan that we would only have one bathroom. Code says that as long as we have fixed seating (i.e. bolted to something) and less than 22.5 in the restaurant at any one time (including employees) we could on have one.

Not going to work, so we are adding another bathroom. I guess the rule is to insure that no more than 11.25 people line up at any one time.

I keep thinking about being in Europe a few years ago at a pretty amazing restaurant and when I asked for the bathroom I was ushered outside by a busboy, down the block, and around the corner to another building where the bathroom for this particular restaurant was.
Zemanta Pixie

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